Hawke Transit System has more than 30 years of experience in design and development of the Hawke sealing system, with safety and flexibility as primary design criteria.



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STANDARD transit system:

Modular sealing system for the passage of cables and pipes. The purpose of our product is to maintain the integrity of a firewall, bulkhead or deck through which cables and pipes pass.

MARINE TRANSIT SYSTEM (Designed to be welded to decks and bulkheads)

CIVIL HAWKE TRANSIT SYSTEM (Designed to be built into concrete or bolted to walls and floors of buildings)


Hawke Transit System EMC

Electromagnetic Compatibility 

Essential to ensure the integrity of  computer and military communications.

Specially prepared to eliminate stray air bourn and cable screen signals/noise, apart from being certified as a fire, water and gas barrie




Hawke Cabinet Sealing Systems give IP protection to cable entries within an electrical cabinet/enclosure, avoiding water and dust to penetrate it thus protecting the equipment inside

Hawke Transit System



The main function of Hawke Transit System is to maintain the integrity of a firewall, bulkhead or deck through which cables, pipes and other services pass.

Whenever a rated wall, ceiling, bulkhead or deck is penetrated by any type of service, the occupants and integrity of the structure are exposed to risk from hazards such as fire and smoke, water ingress, vermin, toxic gases and other external threats.

The transit system will seal against and exhibit resistance to

  • Fire

  • Water

  • Radiation

  • Gas

  • Chemicals

  • Explosion

  • UV light

  • Humo

  • Rodents

  • Sound

  • Hydrocarbons

  • Electromagnetic interferences

HTS unique color coding is brilliant. First of all it is a significantly safer system, because it ensures correct installation and is easier to inspect and maintain, and it is also much faster to install, keeping costs down.
— client


Ensures correct installation

Easy to inspect

Up to 50% faster to install

Reduces cost

Helps complete project on time

Removes need for installer to make judgement

No costly rework

Zero Waste Material


Safe passage